NCIFT Visits SPI GROUP Facility

NCIFT Visits SPI GROUP Facility

SPI Group was happy to host the NCIFT New Professionals at our facility, featuring a fantastic talk by our friends at Renewal Mill!  We were fascinated to hear about the company’s focus on food waste and upcycling.  We all learned about Okara:  not Okra, Okara (O-KAR-A).  Okara is a superfood derived from organic soymilk production – it is a high fiber, gluten free, vegan ingredient! 

We all enjoyed the Renewal Mill soft-baked okara chocolate chip cookies and the new Humphrey Slocombe ice cream flavor!  As with every NCIFT New Professionals event, we had a great group of young food scientists who want to connect with each other and learn more about other local companies.  For more information about okara and how to use it in your product, please contact SPI Group!