
Food Trucks: the Future of Food???

Special thank you to Intermountain IFT for hosting a great meeting March 14-16 in beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho. This IFT section does a great job of host industry specific, technical and relevant speakers. I was particularly interested in a presentation by Ms. Pam Gray of Kraft Foods. Her presentation titled, “’2012 Food Trendictions’ – Predicting…
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SPI Group volunteers for local science fairs

SPI Group happily supports local science fairs! Every year we send employees to volunteer as judges, giving out IFT prize money for science projects that are related to Food Science. At the most recent science fair, we saw projects such as “Kimchee chemistry,” “citrus wars,” and “measuring vitamin C.” We love participating in these events…
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Southern California Food Industry Conference

SCIFTS did a great job putting together the 2012 Southern California Food Industry Conference “Hot topics: what everyone needs to know.” The conference covered topics such as social media and included a comprehensive presentation on Prop 65 (2 speakers!). We also enjoyed a luncheon talk by Dr. Roger Clemens, IFT president and concluded the day…
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NCIFT Student Industry Sponsor Night

The room was packed for the NCIFT Industry/Student sponsor night hosted at UC Davis! SPI Group has long supported this annual event, connecting Food Science students with industry members. As reported by the student representatives in the Food Tech Club and the Food Science Graduate Students Association, connecting with industry is one of their main…
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Saving the Orangutans – Palm oil and sustainability

SPI Group participated in the Southern California IFT Section’s dinner meeting held at the Black Gold Golf Course clubhouse in Yerba Buena on Wednesday,February 15th. The venue was beautiful and it was nice to be in the company of so many familiar as well as new SCIFT members! The event speaker was Mr. Maarten Goos,…
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February is American Heart Month

The most common symptom of coronary artery disease is chest pain or angina. Angina can be described as a discomfort, heaviness, pressure, aching, burning, fullness, squeezing, or painful feeling in your chest. It can be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn. Angina is usually felt in the chest, but may also be felt in the shoulders,…
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What is Oyster Sauce??

Special thanks to Lee Kum Kee for a super authentic Chinese New Year celebration meal at the RCA Southwest Region event on Wednesday, February 1. Ms. Grace Chow and Chefs Fred and Jacki have the best spirit and customers rave about their products. Visit Lee Kum Kee’s website for recipes and a video by Martin…
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NCIFT Luncheon at California League of Food Processors

SPI Group attended the annual NCIFT luncheon at the California League of Food Processors Expo in Sacramento this week. The speaker was Dr. Hasler-Lewis, the Independent Director at Chiquita Brands International, Inc. and Executive Director-Robert Mondavi Institute at University of California, Davis. Dr. Hassler-Lewis spoke about the Top Food and Nutrition Trends of 2012; stating…
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IFT President at our local SCIFTS Meeting

Many thanks to Southern California IFT for a fabulous meeting on Wednesday. We had an opportunity to meet and talk with the current IFT Chair Dr. Roger Clemmons, IFT Chair-Elect Mr. John Ruff, and one of two 2012 candidate for Chair-Elect, Dr. Janet Collins. It was an exciting meeting! Dr. Clemmons spoke about Resveratrol, the…
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Happy Holidays from SPI Group!

As we prepare to say good-bye to 2011, all of us at SPI Group wish you a happy and healthy holiday! May 2012 be prosperous for all of us!